Capture Summer


Use Code: cs24 for 50% off (48 hours only)

Maybe you joined me live, maybe you are here to watch the replay for the first time – either way, you will be ready to spend the summer practicing on your personal project, creating a fantastic memory for your family. Enjoy it, play, make “mistakes” (learning) and who knows, maybe by autumn you will feel ready to move some of these skills across to your business?
The important thing for now is to record your summer footage.

Use Code: cs24 for 50% off (48 hours only)

I know for a fact people are able to go and make their own films immidiately after watching my training courses, it happens all the time and I LOVE seeing what you create.
Any questions at all please do reach out.

Training courses

watch me edit a family film

Watch me edit a family film from start to finish.
£97 £48.5
Are you worried about video editing? I promise video editing isn’t hard, you just need to see the process in simple steps. Watch me cull the footage, assemble the film including how I’m choosing the clips to use, adding text, logo and music.
In an hour from now you could be editing your own film.

Everything about making family films.
£225 £112.5

This is my original Family Film Making course that covers everything from gear and camera settings to recording and editing your film.
You can use this  for your own family keep sake films, client work and marketing content. There are so many oppertunities for adding video to your skillset.