Field Notes
Come behind the scenes with me, as I record this maternity keep sake film.

Maternity film & pictures
A little peek into my training. This is a module from within my main filming course. You come behind the scenes with me on a maternity session. I’m both taking stills and making a keep sake film, including recording some voice over with the couple.
I feel the “text book ideal” learning is all well and good, but in reality we are all improvising and comprmising all the time. That final polished film/photo is rarely that flawless in the making and I simply want to share this with people. You will see my thought process for how I handle this session.
PLEASE NOTE: This does not include in dept teaching about video settings or video editing, but I do share the settings I’m using as well as SOOC footage. Delegates of my main course has all the key learning modules already, this is simply taking you on-site with me.
Roughly 20 minutes of video
I share my learnings from this session
You see behind the scenes of me working on location
Watch how I record voice over with the couple
Insight into my thought process
Is it a one off payment?
Yes, it’s a one time payment, nothing will auto-renew at any pont.
How long do I have access for?
You have access for 6 months, plenty of time to view this short module.
Can I download the videos?
No, the training videos are hosted on my website and you can view them from there.
What's the training format?
They are all videos, either me speaking to camera and watching me work on location. You see a tiny snippet of me editing in Davinci Resolve.
Can I ask questions during the course?
I love hearing from people! Delegates of my main courses are encouraged to ask me questions, and you can too, however if your questions are around topics covered inside my main course I may need to refer you to that.
Will I be able to make a film after watching this?
That depends on your previous experience. If you are completely new to video then this is not meant as an overall training course. If you have played around with video a bit already I think you will take lots of value from this. Some ideas you can go and implement straight away. I think you will really enjoy seeing someone else go through the process of making a film.
The final film
This is the final film. Come and see my through process as I create it.
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