This global presets style guide is designed to help you understand plan your typography, colour palette and the preferred style of key modules. If you’d like to know more about using Presets with Divi , you can watch the Divi tutorial below.
01.Text Styles
In this part of the style guide, you’ll find the different text styles that were used throughout the layout pack. There’s a separate preset for each heading style and a global preset with all text styles in one.
Heading 1
Cormorant Garamond
Heading 2
02. Modules
In this part of the style guide, you’ll find the set styles for any modules used frequently throughout the theme.
Blog Grid Module
Small location big impact?
We can't all live by beautiful beaches and impressive mountains and we don't need to either. We can all create great films in small spaces. I have a small garden at my studio, with a tiny wild meadow at the bottom. Well, it's probably more wild than meadow, but it's a...
Adding video to studio sessions (with video lights)
I recently invested in a studio light to compliment my studio photography work. I thought it was for commercial work, but it immediately became clear I could use this for so much more. I find pretty much all my commercial clients ask for video too, so I went on the...
03. Features
In this part of the style guide, you’ll find the set styles for any larger scale modules used frequently throughout the theme.